Simple, anonymous, browsing.
No filters. No setup. No hassle.

Stay connected and access your favourite social media and content wherever you are.

The Anywhere Apps are a suite of specially configured web browsers that use smart-proxy technology to bypass any filters or restrictions hindering your access to various social media and content platforms including X, Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Snapchat, YouTube, Twitter and iPlayer.

Re-connect with your friends and content now with zero-effort.

Our apps:

Anywhere for iPlayer

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Anywhere for Twitter

Anywhere for Socials

About Freedom Apps

Freedom Apps specialises in privacy-focussed software. Our apps are used by more than 23 million iOS and Mac OS users to enable them to access the web unhindered and securely, without need to setup more complex systems like VPNs.

We've been satisfying customers since 2012:

An easy to use, simple and intuitive interface, makes browsing as you expect it to be whilst still been anonymous. A reliable solution providing a high quality service.